Driving Directions

The Registration table and Start/Finish line are on Forbidden Trail where it intersects Northwestern Ave. (driving directions)

We recommend biking or carpooling to the event as parking may be limited.

Main Parking

There is parking available along Andorra Road, Northwestern Ave, and Thomas Road.

  • Count on between 2-15 minute walk, depending on how far you end up parking.

Additional Parking:

  • Hillcrest Road – In the event parking on the streets near the registration area are filled up, you can also park on Hillcrest Road near Germantown Avenue (count on a 15-20 minute walk to the start/registration area)
  • Bells Mill Lots – There are two parking lots on either side of the creek on Bells Mill Road (map). Much closer than Hillcrest Road but limited # of spots.

Start Times

10k RACE starts at 8:30 am
5k WALK starts at 8:45 am

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